From our lovely beauty contributor Jessie:

Mascaras. They’re everywhere. Just go to any makeup counter or even the local drugstore and you have at least 10 types and formulas to choose from! They promise all types of things: you’ll have longer lashes, fuller lashes, more curl, more separated lashes, I’ve even seen some that say you’ll have better lashes than getting the actual extensions! And, I mustn’t forget, there’s even eyelash re-growing drugs you can get from your family optometrist! Wow, prescription eyelashes! Really?!
Here’s the skinny on what I think is the best mascara that can do all of the above mentioned things, and doesn’t require too much money…or a prescription! L’Oreal Double Extend Mascara. Like many women, for years I was always looking for the best mascara. I seemed to try a new one every month or so. Then, I found this awesome find three years ago and haven’t bought anything else since.
First of all, I love that it does not smear or run. It really stays all day! It looks like your lashes are longer and fuller but you don’t get that clumpy/too much makeup look up close. It’s a two step process, where you apply a base coat and then the actual mascara. Because of this it is so easy to remove too! (this part I LOVE!) With warm water “the tubes” gently pull free and voila! Just wash your face like normal, no raccoon eyes! Hooray!
You can buy this awesome stuff at just about any drugstore for around $10. Give it a try, it’s a pretty amazing little product!