Fashion Group International Seattle hosted a gathering on May 22nd for members and industry professionals. After light bites and wine by Girly Girl, attendees were able to browse a collection of jewelry and bags from local artisans. Jilly Eddy, founder of Lipsology – the Art and Science of Lip Print Reading, interpreted lip prints, while guests sampled Julep’s new lipstick trios.
Later, a video presentation that highlighted Fall/Winter 2013 trends – curated by fashion industry experts including Marylou Luther (FGI Creative Director), Fashion Editors, fashion blogger Bryanboy, and more.
After the presentation a panel discussed how these trends could work in the Pacific NW. The panel was lead by Seattle industry experts: Moderator Lizzie Parker, (Designer for the Lizzie Parker and Lizzie Parker Studio labels, NBC Fashion Star Contestant, and Business Development Manager, Womens for Zulily), Adam Moon (Former Trend Director Nordstrom, Womens), Heather Kirk Riley (Interior Designer, Kirk Riley Design, and FIDM Alumni) and Lauren Foster (Assistant Editor of 425 Magazine).
The evening was topped off with fashion presentations by Mere Basics and Paychi Guh. You will want to cozy up in these cashmere pieces – amazing! All in all, a wonderful evening!
All images, with the exception of the instagram, are by Ilya’s Photography
Andrea Wingert is the founder of, a fashion and beauty blog she started in 2009. In addition to writing and editing for her blog, Andrea is mom to two kids and works full time in Fashion Marketing.