I am not gonna lie, it was rough getting up this morning. My 1.5 yr old was up bright and early, ready to party. And then when I heard the little pitter-patter of the socked feet of my 4-year, I knew it was time to roll out of bed and start the day. While springing forward for daylight savings was difficult, it did make be think about time in general.
Spring is a time for renewal and new life, but it also is a good time to take a look back on the past. I recently realized I’ve written over a thousand blog posts on Skinnypurse.com. The first few didn’t even have images because I hadn’t built that feature into the site! Through this process I’ve learned a ton and have had a great time going through it.
Just for fun, check out the archive page, and you can browse some of the posts on Skinnypurse. Looking back over the years, it’s kind of fun to see what the trends were and how many of them have come back around again (and again).
I really appreciate all the people I’ve met and relationships that have evolved since starting this site. Thanks to all of you who have helped me learn and grow. And thanks to my readers. I love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, etc.
Happy Spring everyone!