From our friends at College Candy:

I’m pining over something a little different this week. It’s a little outside my comfort zone, and that’s exactly why I’m in love. It’s not a plunging neckline or a skimpy skirt, it’s actually a super cool ring.
So you think a ring that gets me a little nervous makes me boring? I’d have to disagree. There’s nothing wrong with playing on the safe side of fashion. For me, it’s finding ways of adding things into my wardrobe that are cooler than I think I am without necessarily having the major shock value. I like to get a subtle response out of people, whether it’s an approving double take or a friend that tells me something I own is awesome.
A ring that’s a little risky for me is a great way for me to get a reaction- I’d rather everyone was staring at the risk on my finger than a risk that’s risqué.
This dark, gemmed snake ring is the kind of accessory I would see on a girl on campus who I envied because she was effortlessly cool and edgy. I can picture myself as that girl when I see this ring, the snake twisted around a finger that’s curled around a cup of coffee, probably in the company of some hipsters playing guitar and killing everyone around them with their coolness.
Check out more reasons to love the Lucky Brand Crystal Snake Ring here!