We just heard about this fun contest from Gilt MAN:
The good news: A new generation of American men has discovered the pleasure of dressing well. From Don Draper to the Gossip Guys to young heartthrobs like Zac Efron, pop culture is awash in images of dapper guys. And unlike those repressed gents on Mad Men, today’s guys are dressing well because they want to, not because they have to.
The bad news: The style revolution seems to have stopped at the ankles! Even as guys have paid more attention to the way their clothes fit, too often their footwear—the very foundation of men’s fashion, —remains an afterthought. If it’s true that you can learn a lot about a man by his shoes, then America’s men are in a state of crisis.

The Contest: Wives and girlfriends everywhere agree, there is a Men’s footwear crisis that is spreading rapidly…and it can affect anyone. So Gilt MAN is taking a stand and asking our fans to send us a picture of their ugliest shoes for a chance to win $1,000 from Gilt MAN to upgrade their shoe collection.
Gilt MAN’s very own Tyler Thoreson will be helping to round up the winners.
Here are some additional details on the contest and info on how to enter!