It seems like it wasn’t that long ago that Hollywood Fashion Tape came out with their innovative product! Wardrobe-malfunctions were no longer an issue with strategically placed clear tape. Well, Hollywood Fashion Tape has now been keeping clothes in place for 10 years!
Not only are they having a birthday, but Hollywood Fashion Tape is changing their name to Hollywood Fashion Secrets, and giving away some of their tried and true Hollywood Secrets. Over the years, they’ve become an authority on wardrobe solutions and their products favorites of stylists all over the US.
They are currently running a fun giveaway that all fashionistas must check out:

“Come celebrate our birthday and name change from April 25-29 where each day 37 random winners will receive a gift pack filled with select ‘Secrets’! Why 37? That’s the number of ‘Secrets’ we’re striving to create within the next year. And you can help; visit us on Facebook and share what ‘Secrets’ you’d like to see created, or tell us about a fashion/beauty problem you’re experiencing. The Fashion Fairy Godmothers have your back … and front … and everything else you need to get and stay perfectly put together.”
For more info, visit HollywoodFashionSecrets.com. Enter the giveaway on their FaceBook Page. Or, follow on Twitter for the latest Hollywood Secrets.