From our friends at College Candy:

Charlotte from College Candy weighs in on Keira Knightley’s look at the 2011 Jameson Empire Awards.
One thing I love about being British is the word “quirky.” This word is frequently flung around as an affectionate way of saying that we dress kinda eclectically and often downright weird. It’s the word that allows us to get away with looking like our Grandmas and wearing our boyfriend’s clothes (the delightful Ms. Chung springs to mind). But being “quirky” and a little out-there doesn’t always work, no matter how willowy you are.
Take this dress for example. It has that perfect “found-this-in-a-vintage-store” look, despite the fact it’s price was probably closer to that of a yacht. But it also looks a little too grungy. It really should be a gorgeous dress, with the light tan color, pretty sparkles and adorable collar, but I’m not sure if it’s the odd shoulder that looks like it’s falling off her, or the tiered skirt, but it definitely looks like something old Aunt Hilda donated to Goodwill. I like that she’s kept her makeup and jewelery simple with so much going on in the dress, but maybe a lighter shoe would have tied the look in better — or a black clutch to pull together the black shoes.
Check out more of her take on the outfit here!