A new deal site just launched and you don’t have to be a member to shop. Shoe Thief sells designer shoes at a discount – up to 70% off retail prices! But the best part is you don’t have to get an invite and become a member to join. Anyone can save big on fabulous shoes from designers like Kelsi Dagger, dani black, Dolce Vita, Rock & Republic and more.

Pictured from top to bottom:
Dolce Vita Greta, Orig: $165, On Sale for: $95; Dani Black Jolanda, Orig: $175, On Sale for: $109; Kelsi Dagger Tallia Wedge, Orig: $175, On Sale for: $109.
I have my eye on the above – which do you like best?
At prices like these, and shoe styles changing often, Shoe Thief is one site worth coming back to!