From our friends at The Find:

Every girl who’s ever owned a pair of jeans knows how difficult it is to shop for the perfect pair. Amazing fit doesn’t come easy, and since every pair of jeans and every girl’s body is different, spending hours looking for just one pair of great-fitting, quality jeans to add to your collection is not unusual. Because of this never-ending search for flattering denim, creating jeans that can accommodate every girl’s style and figure is no easy feat either — but Miss Me Jeans is confident enough in their craftsmanship that they’re willing to try! The Los Angeles based brand is only about a decade old, but they have a breadth of consumer knowledge and mastery of style that surpasses their years and has garnered them high-profile fans like Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, and Beyonce, and has earned them features in Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and more! Miss Me’s most important goal is to never compromise comfort for style (and vice-versa!) and manages to tackle everything from streamlined basic styles to embellished and embroidered night-out denim. By infusing the finest washes, tailored fits, and a versatile variety designs, Miss Me tackles all our denim-buying woes head-on and makes shopping for jeans the pleasant experience it should be!
– Alex Gambardella