From our friends at College Candy:

I’m sure swimsuit shopping is the last thing on your mind right now. You usually don’t expect to think about the most horrible time of the year so close to the most wonderful time of the year. Until that last minute vacation invite pops up, and you realize you need to find a suit in the middle of a blizzard. Or you’re so used to floating away to your happy place on the beach that you’d like to make it a reality. Or you were the smartest kid in your graduating class when you decided to attend college in a warm state.
I’ve found the perfect solution, but this week I’m putting the “wish” in Wardrobe Wish List. I’ve fallen in love with a swimsuit that would equate to at least 50 hours of work form your on-campus job (sorry!) at $350.00. Before you start raiding the dorms for bottles to return, let’s gaze longingly at this Norma Kamali masterpiece.
See the rest of the reasons to love this suit at College Candy!